fibroleiomyoma of myometrium ICD-10: D25.9; ICD-O: 8890/0
weitere Informationen auf HiPaKu
Frau, 37 J. Hysterektomie wegen vergrössertem Uterus und palpablen
Knoten, Metrorrhagien, Hypermenorrhoe
- Uterus: An einer Schnittkante Endometrium,
aufgebaut aus geschlängelten, englumigen Drüsen und aus
kleinzelligem Stroma, angrenzend Myometrium
- Scharf begrenzte Knoten aus Bündeln glatter Muskelzellen, zwischen
denen Fibrozyten und Kollagenfasern liegen
- Keine eigentliche Kapsel, "Pseudokapsel"
durch Kompression des angrenzenden Myometriums
- Keine Mitosen
- Keine Zell- und Kernpolymorphie, keine myogenen Riesenzellen
37-year-old female suffered from menorrhagias and metrorrhagias. On pelvic examination the uterus was increased
in size and tumors were palpable. Hysterectomy was performed.
- A cross-section of the uterine wall is shown. The endometrium (Endometrium) composed of slightly
tortuous glands within a loose stroma is visible at the left side of the section.
- Two sharply circumscribed tumors are present within the myometrium (Myometrium). They consist of
whirling bundles of smooth muscle cells, reminiscent of the histology of normal myometrium. Tumor cells are monomorphic and both, mitoses
and myogenic giant cells are lacking.
- Fibroblasts and collagenous fibers are present in between tumor cells.
- Tumor growth leads to compression of the surrounding myometrium and formation of a pseudo-capsule (Pseudokapsel).