fully developed teratoma of ovary ICD-10: C56.9; ICD-O: 9080/1
weitere Informationen auf HiPaKu
Frau, 40 J. Ovariektomie wegen Vergrösserung eines Ovars
- Zysten ausgekleidet mit verhornendem Plattenepithel,
in der Tiefe Hautanhangsgebilde
- Strukturen anderer Keimblätter: Zähne, Knorpel, Knochen,
Nervengewebe, Fettgewebe, Muskulatur etc.
in unterschiedlichem Ausmass vorhanden
Vergrössertes Ovar mit mehreren Zysten
40-year-old female underwent ovarectomy because of an enlarged ovary.
- Cyst lined by a keratinized squamous, by an intestinal-type mucinous and by a ciliated epithelium (Plattenepithel).
- Stroma with glands exhibiting the same types of epithelial linings described above.
- Mucinous glands.
- In addition, layers of smooth muscle cells, nerve and adipose tissue are distinguished in the stroma.
Macroscopy: Ovary increased in size with several cysts.