old myocardial infarction ICD-10: I25.2
weitere Informationen auf HiPaKu
Frau, 72 J., verstirbt an einem metastasierenden Mammakarzinom. Autopsiepräparat
- Grosse, teils kontinuierliche, teils diskontinuierliche Abschnitte
der Muskulatur ersetzt durch siriusrote, z.T. wellige Kollagenfaserbündel
(Typ 1 Kollagen). Narbenherde (Narbe)
zackig begrenzt. Narbenabschnitte arm an spindeligen Fibroblasten/Fibrozyten:
Alte Narbe
- Stellenweise in Narbenfeldern noch weite Kapillaren
- Fleckförmig in Narben überlebende Muskelfasern
- Subendokardiale Muskelfasern erhalten
Vergleich: Präparate A
II 16, A IV 11
72-year-old female succumbed to metastasized carcinoma of the breast (specimen from autopsy).
- Large portions of the myocardium are replaced by partly dense fibrous tissue (Sirius-red) consisting of wavy bundles of dense collagen
(type I collagen) with presence of only few fibroblasts / fibrocytes (old scar tissue). In some sections of the scar tissue
(Narbe) the collagen is less dense and wide capillaries
(Kapillaren) can still be observed.
- The scar tissue is irregularly outlined, entrapping in some parts surviving cardiomyocytes.
- Subendocardial cardiomyocytes (Subendokardiale Muskelfasern) are also viable.
Compare also slides A II 16,
A IV 11