kidney with disseminated intravascular coagulation ICD-10: D65
weitere Informationen auf HiPaKu
Mann, 61 J., septischer Schock nach Verkehrsunfall mit offenen Frakturen:
"Polyblessé". Autopsiepräparat
- Hauptsächlich in Kapillarschlingen der Glomerula schlangenartig
gewundene, violett-rote, hyaline Mikrothromben:
Plättchen und Fibrin. Mikrothrombosen auch in einigen Vasa recta
- Hauptstücke zeigen z.T. Schockzeichen;
Ausweitung des Lumens und Abflachung der Epithelien
61-year-old polytraumatized male patient had been involved in a traffic accident, in which
he suffered multiple compound fractures. He died from septic shock (specimen from autopsy).
- Glomerular capillaries exhibit multiple violet-red hyaline microthrombi (Mikrothromben)
consisting mostly of fibrin. Furthermore, microthrombi are present in some vasa recta.
- Proximal tubules exhibit acute ischemic changes with thinning of the tubular epithelium and dilatation of the tubular lumen.