venous thrombosis in organization ICD-10: I82
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Frau, 76 J., bettlägerig wegen fortgeschrittener chronischer
Polyarthritis. Autopsiepräparat
- Grosse Vene
- Venenlumen verschlossen durch Abscheidungs- und roten Gerinnungsthrombus
- Einwachsen von Granulationsgewebe von der Gefässwand
her: Organisation
- Braunes Reaktionsprodukt zeigt die Lokalisation von aus Vimentin
aufgebauten Intermediärfilamenten in Angioblasten und Fibroblasten
76-year-old female patient was immobilized due to advanced chronic polyarthritis (specimen from autopsy).
- A large vein is shown the lumen of which is occluded by a red thrombus or stasis thrombus.
- At one edge, ingrowths of granulation tissue are observed (Organisation, organization of the thrombus).
- Staining for vimentin was performed. Vimentin is an intermediate filament present in virtually all normal mesenchymal cells. Thus, endothelial cells,
fibroblasts and smooth
muscle cells stain intensely positive in the organized part of the thrombus.