invasive lobular carcinoma of the breast ICD-10: C50.9; ICD-O: 8520/3
weitere Informationen auf HiPaKu
Frau, 52 J. Lumpektomie; Symptome wie bei der Patientin von Präparat
A IV 27
- Man erkennt am Rande Mammagewebe
- Infiltrierende und destruierende, oft konzentrisch um Acini/Ducti
angeordnete Einerkolonnen von Tumorzellen (gänsemarschartig/"indian
- Tumorzellen wenig polymorph
- Mitosen selten
- Daneben vereinzelt breite, aus mehreren Zelllagen bestehende, solide
bis "medulläre" Anteile
Lobuläres, invasives Mammakarzinom entsteht peripher im Bereich
von Lobuli. Präkanzeröses Vorstadium = lobuläres (nicht
invasives) Carcinoma in situ.
Neue Nomenklatur: lobuläre Neoplasie (LN)
52-year-old female underwent excision of a breast tumor. Clinically a firm, not-movable, palpable mass had been noted. Symptoms are the same as with patient from slide A IV 27.
- An irregular area of dense, fibrous tissue surrounded by adipose tissue is noted.
- The fibrous tissue is permeated by single file linear ("indian
files") cords and sheets of tumor cells.
- Some tumor cells surround normal appearing acini or ducts in a concentric fashion (bulls-eye appearance).
- Foci of acini distended by monomorphic, non-cohesive tumor cells are observed (LCIS).
- The monomorphic cells of the invasive carcinoma (Tumorzellen) resemble those of the in situ component.
- Only few mitoses are detected.
- Of note is the diffuse growth pattern of this type of tumor. The tumor extends to the resection margin marked with black ink.
The presence of lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) / lobular neoplasia (LN) is a marker for an increased risk of developing breast cancer in either breast.
Around one third of women with LCIS will develop an invasive carcinoma. Of these, about one third will be of the lobular type. Thus, LCIS may be a direct precursor of some carcinomas.
Invasive lobular carcinoma (lobuläre Neoplasie (LN)) arises in the periphery within lobuli.