lymph node metastasis of a malignant melanoma of skin ICD-10: C77.4, C44.9; ICD-O: 8720/6, 8720/3
Inguinaler Lymphknoten der Patientin von Präparat A II 8
- Beschreibung des Melanoms: Präparat A
II 8
- Immunzytochemische Befunde beim Melanom (Differentialdiagnose gegenüber
anderen Tumoren):
- Zytokeratine: -
- Vimentin: ++
- Protein S-100: Zumindest herdförmig +
- In Kombination mit Kenntnissen über den Primärtumor und
dem zeitlichen Auftreten sowie über die konventionell-histologische
Morphologie des Tumor erlaubt
diese Markerkonstellation die Diagnose einer Lymphknotenmetastase
eines malignen Melanoms
An inguinal lymph node of the patient of slide A II 8 is shown (description of the primary skin lesion see slide
A II 8)
- The lymph node is permeated by large groups of cells staining intensely for the melanocytic marker S-100.
- In contrast to metastases from carcinomas, melanomas generally do not stain for cytokeratins. Melanoma cells are strongly positive for vimentin and more than 90% stain positive for S-100.
In addition, melanoma cells may stain for melan-A and HMB-45.
- Malignant melanoma may mimic a variety of tumors. Still, immunohistochemistry together with the histological appearance of tumor (Tumor)
usually allows diagnosis of a lymph node metastasis of a malignant melanoma.