small cell lung cancer ICD-10: C34.9; ICD-O: 8041/3
weitere Informationen auf HiPaKu
Mann, 62 J., Raucher, chronische Bronchitis. Autopsiepräparat
- Im Zentrum Reste von Bronchusknorpel (Bronchialknorpel)
- Bronchi und die übrigen Lungenstrukturen teilweise zerstört
durch Tumorgewebe
- Der Tumor besteht aus epithelialen Strängen und Nestern, aufgebaut
aus kleinen, zytoplasmaarmen Zellen
- Kerne hyperchromatisch, wenig polymorph, rund bis oval, gelegentlich
haferkornähnlich (oat-cell carcinoma)
- Wenig Mitosen, häufiger Kernpyknosen
- Zwischen den Strängen spärlich Stroma
- Häufig ausgedehnte Nekrosen
- Lymphangiosis carcinomatosa
Der Tumor verschliesst das Lumen eines grösseren Bronchus. Der
Patient litt peripher an einer sogenannten Mantelpneumonie oder poststenotischen
Pneumonie (s. Präparat A
II 3)
62-year-old male smoker suffered from chronic bronchitis (specimen from autopsy).
- Lung tissue is in part destroyed by a poorly circumscribed tumor.
- In the center of the tumor residues of bronchial cartilage (Bronchialknorpel) can be observed.
- The tumor consists of nests of loosely cohesive cells with only little cytoplasm. In between tumor cell nests a scant stroma is present.
- The nuclei are hyperchromatic, round to oval, displaying little polymorphy. Some nuclei resemble oats, thus the name oat-cell carcinoma.
- The chromatin is finely granular with small nucleoli (‘so-called salt and pepper’ aspect).
- Mitotic figures are rare but a number of pyknotic nuclei are present.
- In the periphery, the tumor infiltrates numerous lymphatic vessels and a large blood vessel.
- These tumors frequently exhibit extensive necrosis (not seen in the example shown).
- In the vicinity of the tumor the lung tissue shows emphysematous changes.
The tumor obstructed a large airway, leading to poststenotic pneumonia (see slide A
II 3)