carcinomatous lymphangiosis of the lung ICD-10: C49.9; ICD-O:
weitere Informationen auf HiPaKu
Frau, 58 J., Magenkarzinom. Autopsiepräparat
- Lungenparenchym insgesamt erhalten
- Peribronchial und perivaskulär in stark erweiterten Lymphgefässen
solide Tumorzellgruppen
Perivaskuläre und peribronchiale grau-weisse "Mäntel"
sichtbar, netzartige Streifung des Lungengewebes
Thoraxröntgen: Oft streifige Zeichnung
58-year-old female suffered from gastric cancer (specimen from autopsy).
- The architecture of the lung tissue is maintained.
- Peribronchial and perivascular lymphatic vessels (Lymphgefässen) are distended by solid nests of tumor cells.
Macroscopically, the lungs show a net-like striated pattern with grey-whitish tissue surrounding bronchi and blood vessels. These findings correlate with the enhanced reticular striated pattern observed in chest X-rays.