papillary thyroid carcinoma, lymph node metastastis ICD-10: C 73.9, C77.0; ICD-O: 8260/3, 8260/6
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Frau, 38 J., vergrösserte, indolente Lymphknoten am Hals rechts.
Exzidierter Lymphknoten
- Teils zystischer Tumor mit Bildung von Papillen,
umgeben von einer unterschiedlich dicken Kapsel
- Papillen von teils kubischen, teils zylindrischen Zellen bedeckt,
fibrovaskuläres Stroma
- Tumorinfiltration der Kapsel
- Im Tumorgewebe vereinzelte Inseln von lymphatischem
Gewebe: Reste des Lymphknotens
- Die Tumorzellkerne zeigen teilweise einen milchglasähnlichen
- Wichtig: Die Diagnose wird nicht aufgrund der Papillen,
sondern aufgrund der zytomorphologischen Merkmale gestellt.
- Immunzytochemischer Nachweis von Thyreoglobulin im Zytoplasma vieler
Typisch für das papilläre Schilddrüsenkarzinom: Lymphogene
Metastasierung; Prognose gut: 15-Jahres-Ueberlebensrate 80 - 90%
38-year-old female exhibits painless cervical lymph node swelling. An enlarged lymph node is excised.
- The architecture of the lymph node is destroyed by a cystic tumor, which infiltrates the capsule. At the periphery remnants of lymphatic tissue (lymphatischem
Gewebe) are present.
- Individual cysts contain papillary tumor (Papillen) formations consisting of delicate fibrovascular cores and a lining of cuboidal to cylindrical cells.
- The nuclei of the tumor cells are enlarged exhibit an oval shape and display the following characteristics: (1) nuclear clearing or ground-glass appearance;
(2) nuclear grooves; (3) nuclear inclusions; (4) overlapping. These nuclear features not the presence of papillae (Papillen) allow the diagnosis of a papillary thyroid carcinoma.
- Immunohistochemical staining shows presence of thyreoglobulin in the cytoplasm of a substantial number of tumor cells.
The prognosis of papillary cancer of the thyroid is excellent. These tumors typically spread lymphatically. Even in the presence of lymph node metastasis they exhibit a 15-years-survival rate of 80 - 90%.