non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, centroblastic centrocytic, diffuse ICD-10: C83.9; ICD-O: 9591/3
Frau, 48 J., supraklavikuläre Lymphknoten
- Wie A IV 53, aber keine follikelähnliche Formationen: Diffuse Infiltration durch Lymphomzellen
48-year-old female underwent excision of supraclavicular lymph nodes.
Several sections of lymph nodes are shown which exhibit complete destruction of the regular architecture. The lymph nodes are diffusely
permeated by centrocytes (small to medium-sized cells with angulated nuclei) and fewer centoblasts (large transformed cells with round
to oval nuclei, vesicular chromatin, exhibiting one to three nucleoli).
Diffuse follicle center lymphoma is composed of centrocytes and centroblasts and is thus considered a variant of follicular lymphoma
(compare slide A_IV_53 ). In contrast to the latter, no follicles are formed. To diagnose diffuse follicle
center lymphoma the following criteria have to be met: (1) both, small and large cells must exhibit the immune-phenotype of follicle
center cells (pan-B antigen expression, CD-10+, BCL-2+, BCL-6+); (2) the growth pattern must be entirely diffuse.