Hodkin's disease, mixed cellularity ICD-10: C81.2; ICD-O: 9652/3
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Frau, 27 J., mit schmerzloser Vergrösserung eines supraklavikulären
Lymphknotens links. Exzision.
- Diffuse Überwucherung des Lymphknotens durch ein buntes Zellinfiltrat
- Kleine Lymphozyten
- Histiozyten
- Eosinophile Granulozyten
- Diagnostisch sind die Reed-Sternberg-Zellen
mit grossem, doppeltem Kern und grossen spiegelbildlich angeordneten
Nukleolen sowie deren mononukleäre Variante, die Hodgkin-Zelle
Häufigkeitsverteilung des M. Hodgkin bimodal (2./3. und 6./7.
Dekade). Oft systemische Erscheinungen wie Fieber, Nachtschweiss,
Gewichtsverlust und Pruritus (B-Symptome). Stadium bei Krankheitsbeginn
wichtigster prognostischer Faktor.
27-year-old female with painless enlargement of a left supraclavicular lymph node. Excision.
- This lymph node shows the diffuse growth of a multicoloured cell infiltrate.
- Small lymphocytes as well as histiocytes and eosinophilic granulocytes can also be seen.
- There are two diagnostic types of cells for Hodgkin’s disease, namely Sternberg-Reed cells (Reed-Sternberg-Zellen) with a large double nucleus and large mirroring nucleoli as well as their mononuclear variation, the Hodgkin cell.
The epidemiological distribution of Hodgkin`s disease (Hodgkin-Zelle) is bimodal with two peaks, one at age 10-20 and one in individuals aged 50-60.Systemic symptoms often include pyrexia, night sweat, weight loss and pruritus (B-symptoms). The stage at clinical onset is an important prognostic factor.